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Human Resources IQ-HR Technology

Human Resources IQ-Technology Executive Report

This question requires a valid email address.
7. In what industry are you employed? *This question is required.
8. What is your current role *This question is required.
9. Scope of Responsibility *This question is required.
10. Does HR have a direct role in helping your company develop its overall business strategy? *This question is required.
11. What functional area are you responsible for? 
Check all that apply  *This question is required.
12. Please rank your organizations' HR priorities within the HR function this year (2015)?
(With the top being the highest priority area and the bottom being the least area of priority. You must rank ALL priority areas) *This question is required. Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
13. Please rank your organizations' HR priorities within the HR function for 2016-2017?
(With the top being the highest priority area and the bottom being the least area of priority You must rank ALL priority areas) *This question is required. Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
14. Does your organization have a formal HR technology roadmap? *This question is required.
15. Has your organization consolidated or expanded the number of HR technology partners? *This question is required.
16. What HR technology needs are not being met? *This question is required.
19. Who is responsible for HR technology within your organization?
  *This question is required.
20. Is payroll processed in-house? *This question is required.
21. Are you looking to change payroll vendors within the next 12 months? *This question is required.
22. How would you rate the user experience with your current payroll vendor? *This question is required.
Space Cell User Experience
23. Does your organization currently use a mobile application for payroll? *This question is required.
24. Does your organization currently use HR analytics software? *This question is required.
25. In what HR areas does your organizations use analytics?
Check all that apply  *This question is required.
26. In what areas do you expect HR analytics to make the biggest impact? *This question is required.
Space Cell Low ImpactModerateHigh ImpactNot Applicable
Filling Skill Gaps
HR Planning
Succession Planning
27. What is the biggest obstacle regarding implementing HR analytics software? *This question is required.
28. On a scale from 1-5: How would you rate your organization data and analytics strategy?
(With 1 star being the lowest rating and 5 stars being the highest) *This question is required.
Space Cell Data & Analytics Strategy
29. Have you seen a measurable ROI with your current HR Data & Analytics strategy? *This question is required.
30. How engaged are employees with each tool that your organization offers?
(With 1 start being not engaged and 5 being extremely engaged.) *This question is required.
Space Cell Rate Each Tool
Payroll Mobile Application
Social Media
Shared Services Application
Loyalty Programs/Rewards
Employee Self-Service
31. What part of employee engagement is most important to your organization? *This question is required.
32. What are your organization's top learning and development priorities?
Check All that Apply  *This question is required.
33. What percent of your organizations learning content is developed in-house? *This question is required.
34. What type of training methods does your organization offer? *This question is required.
35. Please Rank: What are the most important factors when considering training products and services?
(With the top being the highest priority and the bottom the lowest priority. You must rank ALL priority areas) *This question is required. Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
37. Would you say the primary objective of your HR technology spend over the next two years is for self-service, system integration or for next generation upgrades? *This question is required.
38. Do you collaborate with IT in setting an HR technology strategy? *This question is required.
39. How do you see the number of software vendors in your HR technology portfolio changing? *This question is required.
41. I would like to potentially use some of the comments from question 40, in the final report. If you agree to the usage of any comments please select I Agree. If you do not wish for your comments to be published please select I Do Not Agree. You will be contacted by the Editor-in-Chief via email if your comment was chosen for publication. 

  *This question is required.
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