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Gledhill School Council

We are looking for input to create our goals!

The Gledhill School Council's elected positions are now in place and we would like to get your input to create goals for the school year.  

Ideas of what we could focus on:  
- Communication with parents
- Providing advice to the school administration on applicable matters 
- Providing parents and families with resources -- workshops, education sessions, etc.
- Providing supplementary school resources -- technology, in classroom tools, etc.
- Sponsoring in-class enrichment programs -- Scientist in the School, Drama with Jeff, etc.
- Sponsoring zero-cost-to-student programs or events within the school -- clubs, etc.
- Providing fun social events for the Gledhill community
- Engaging with the broader community

Your ideas and input will provide us with a valuable perspective as we look to create 3-4 goals to focus our efforts on things most important for current parents, guardians, students, etc. 
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