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Counting Sheep

Counting Sheep

When I couldn't sleep, I used to recite the alphabet backwards or list the 50 states in reverse alphabetical order. Recently I started spelling the 50 states backwards, in alphabetical order. (A-M-A-B-A-L-A…A-K-S-A-L-A…A-N-O-Z-I-R-A…) I’m usually asleep somewhere between Georgia and Montana.

While using this technique to quiet my mind, I started to wonder what mental tricks or games other people use to go to sleep. The next day I asked a couple of people how they count sheep. While my methods always revolve around letters and alphabetical order, one friend’s technique was entirely visual and a still another’s approach was connected to her body. I was excited to find, in my teeny tiny sampling, three vastly different approaches.
I’m putting together a new book/zine project about this and want to hear from you. What do you do when you’re lying awake in bed? How do you focus or quiet your brain to get to sleep? 

A note about your privacy:
I intend to include your response about to how you count sheep and your initials in this project. I will not be including any other personal information.

I am asking for your mailing address so I can send you a special little something in the mail to thank you for participating in the project and your e-mail address so I can let you know how this book turns out. It is entirely up to you if you would like to share this information with me.

I respect your privacy and will not share your personal information with anyone. I appreciate you taking the time to participate in my project.

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at Thanks!
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