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Discussion on The Role of State Institutions in Overcoming Anti-Gypsyism in Europe – Potentials in Civic Education and Awareness-Raising

Discussion in the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin

Discussion on The Role of State Institutions in Overcoming Anti-Gypsyism in Europe – Potentials in Civic Education and Awareness-Raising 

Today, anti-Gypsyism is the major obstacle to the socio-economic advancement of Sinti and Roma communities in Europe. Negative prejudice and narratives are often used in the political debates and campaigns that shape policy interventions. Anti-Gypsyism in public and political discourse is not an exception; it is often a routine. Yet, there is another routine which is even more worrying—the disproportionally weak reactions of state institutions compared to the gravity and frequency of attacks against Sinti and Roma.
The panelists will discuss what governments can do to strengthen and mainstream education efforts by the state and by civil society organisations and how efforts can be united in order to make a real difference in the lives of Sinti and Roma in Europe.

Please complete the following survey to help us with preparations for the evening discussion, which will take place on December 1, 2015 in the German Foreign Office in Berlin, starting at 18:00. 

VENUE: German Federal Foreign Office, Weltsaal, Werderscher Markt 1, 10117 Berlin