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Naturalness Rating Survey (non-native speakers)

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This study looks at how natural the language used in teaching materials sounds.

For each item, you will read a very short story. Please rate the underlined part in terms of how natural you think it is. There is no correct answer - I am interested in your personal opinion. Please do not think about each item too much. Your first immediate impression is best. So aim to do each question quite quickly.

It should take about 10-15 minutes to complete all items.
Consent to participate

I confirm that: (a) I am over 16, (b) I have understood the purpose of this study, (c) that all data are anonymous and that there will not be any connection between the personal information provided and the data, (d) there are no known risks or hazards associated participating in this study. By submitting this questionnaire I agree that my answers, which I have given voluntarily, can be used anonymously for research purposes. *This question is required.