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Owners' Edition Survey

For Audi Magazine Edition 111, we’d like to hear from you. If you could take a few minutes and complete this survey, you can help us shape the stories for the issue. We value your time, your support and your opinions. We truly hope you let us know what you’d like to read. Thank you.
1. Have you read Audi Magazine before? 
2. Choose two subjects you would like to read more about.
3. Who would you like to know more about?
4. Which is your favorite Audi S, RS or R model? (select two)
5. Which Audi would you like to read about most? (select two)
6. Which road would you rather drive on right now?
7. Which road trip would you rather take?
8. Which interests you the most?
9. Who inspired you?
10. Which Auto Show would you like to go to the most?