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Leadnow Community Listening Survey

Page 1: Reflections on the 2015 election

NOTE: This survey is now closed. While you are welcome to fill it out and plan to keep an eye on late results, we cannot promise that we will be able to include your response in the final report we use to inform our planning process.

After an epic election, we need your help to make some big decisions about how we work together in this new era of Canadian politics. Everything we do at Leadnow, from the issues we campaign on to the way we do our work, depends on your input.

By taking part in our community survey, you’ll help to shape how we interact with this new Liberal majority government, the issues we campaign on through 2016 and the ways we work together as a community. The survey should take less than 10 minutes.

The federal election on October 19th was a major shift in Canada’s federal politics. After 10 years under the Harper Conservatives, the Liberal Party, led by Justin Trudeau, just won a majority government. They received 39% of the popular vote. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Space Cell Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
It is a good thing that Stephen Harper is no longer in power.
Overall, I am satisfied with the outcome of the election across Canada.
I am happy with the result of the election in my local riding.
I am concerned that we now have another majority government.

Which of the following statements most closely fits your feelings about the how this new government relates to your values:


A major focus for Leadnow over the last two years has been the Vote Together campaign, working to stop the riding-by-riding vote splitting that let the Harper Conservatives win a majority government in the last election. We launched the campaign after overwhelmingly positive feedback from the Leadnow community in a survey like this one, and built the plan through face-to-face gatherings. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Space Cell Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
The Vote Together campaign was necessary because of vote splitting and our broken electoral system.
The Vote Together campaign was an overall success.
The Vote Together campaign gave me useful information about the local race in my riding.
The Vote Together campaign had a big impact online.
The Vote Together campaign had a big impact on the ground.
The Vote Together campaign had a significant presence in the media.