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PsycTESTS (Subscriber)

1. 1.  When using the PsycTESTS database, what do you expect to find? (Check all that apply) *This question is required.
2. 2.  When using the PsycTESTS database, are you generally satisfied with the results you receive? *This question is required.
3. 3.  How do you rate your overall satisfaction with the PsycTESTS database? *This question is required.
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery Satisfied
4. 4.  In addition to PsycTESTS, do you use any other test resources? (Check all that apply *This question is required.
5. 5.  How important is finding the complete test when searching the PsycTESTS database? *This question is required.
Extremely ImportantSomewhat ImportantNot Important
6. 6.  How important is finding commercial tests to your research needs? *This question is required.
Extremely ImportantSomewhat ImportantNot Important
7. 7.  How useful are tests without supporting materials (e.g., instructions, scoring/answer sheets, etc.)? *This question is required.
Very UsefulUsefulNot Useful
8. 8.  Based on your search experience, how likely are you to recommend the PsycTESTS database to others? *This question is required.
Very UnlikelyUnlikelyUndecidedLikelyVery Likely