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NHUSD Year 3 Follow-Up HS Student Survey 2016

Page One

1. Please indicate your ethnicity: (Please choose all that apply.)
2. Please indicate your gender:
3. Please indicate your grade:
4. Please indicate your school:
5. I am enrolled in a career technical program.
6. Did you receive a Chromebook computer from your school this year?
7. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
I work with other students in class.
I share ideas during class discussions.
I have the opportunity to be creative at school.
I feel safe at school.
I feel safe coming to and from school.
I feel safe in my neighborhood.
I have an adult at school I can talk to about academic problems.
There is an adult at school I can talk to about non-academic problems.
I am part of an outside activity after school that meets at least once a week (club, sports teams, or other group activities).
All my teachers know my name.
There is an adult at this school who believes that I will be a success.
I use a computer or other technology during my class.
My teacher uses a computer or other technology in class.
Computers/technology help me do better in school.
The grading in Math is fair.
The grading in English is fair.
The grading in Science is fair.
The grading in Social Studies is fair.
The grading in elective classes is fair.
The grading in PE classes is fair.
I understand the requirements for high school graduation.
I believe getting a college education is important.
I understand how to apply to college.
I understand how to apply for financial aid for college.
What we learn in school seems meaningful.
I know which classes I need to take to get into a four-year college.
I have opportunities to take AP classes.
I have opportunities to explore careers.
Teachers help me to plan my future.
I plan on applying to a four-year college.
I plan on attending community college.
I have an idea of what I will do after high school graduation.