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Cancer Cloud Kit - Healthcare professionals

You and your patient

2. What age are your patient's children?
Space Cell 0-3 yrs3-5 yrs6-11 yrs12-18 yrs18+
First Child
Second Child
Third Child
Fourth Child
Fifth Child
Six Child
3. What is your relationship between your patient and with the child/ren? *This question is required.
4. Which Cancer Cloud Kit (s) did you use/deliver to the patient? *This question is required.
6. What stage of the cancer care pathway is your patient at? *This question is required.
7. What are the reasons you gave the Cancer Cloud Kit to your patient? (Tick all that apply) *This question is required.
8. Before using the kit had your patient communicated with their children about their cancer diagnosis? *This question is required.
The next questions explore how useful the tools were inside the Cancer Cloud Kits. Depending on which kit you used please fill in the relevant page section.
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