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School Gardens: Project Manager's Report

1. Name of school 
2. Please tell us about each crop.  
For each question, please assign 1 - 5 stars.  For the first two columns, use the month codes shown.  For the remaining columns, rate from low (1, as indicated) to high (5, as indicated).
If you did two plantings of the same seeds, please use a separate line below for the second planting.
If crop failed, please enter only month planted and skip to next crop.  Explain problem, if known, in Q. 3.
Space Cell Month planted
Sept=1  Oct=2  Nov=3 
Dec=4   Jan=5
Month harvested
Nov=1  Dec=2  Jan=3
Feb=4   March=5
Quantity harvested
1 = just enough for everyone to have a taste
5  = crop was plentiful enough that surplus left after the children
and their families fed for a week or more
Rate nutritiousness, if known
1=no protein, few nutrients
5=full nutrition
Rate palatability
1=kids hated 
5=kids loved
Rate ease of preparation
1=too complicated for family adoption 
5=no preparation required
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