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Report a Legislative Visit

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Please fill out this form for each PACT legislative visit that you complete that includes an ASK. If you did not ask for legislator's position on one of PACT's issues, you do not need to report the visit. If you have visited more than one legislator, you must complete this form for each of them individually. If you have any questions about this form, please contact Aimee Van Cleave at 

Please do not submit forms if you did not meet with the legislator or staffer in-person, have a phone conversation with a legislator or staffer, or communicate with a legislator or staffer via a personalized e-mail and receive a response. All first contacts should be made in person. Although letters and mass e-mails are appreciated, we do not need you to submit information on these efforts.

Note: This form will not work on Internet Explorer 9 or below. Depending on your security settings, it may also not work on newer versions of Internet Explorer (which may block JavaScript, which is used to make this data collection tool interactive.) It will work on literally any other browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.).
Simply put, this is because Internet Explorer has not kept up with modern web design. Versions 9 and below are also no longer supported by Microsoft. We are unable to offer a data collection tool that is compatible with Internet Explorer.