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Assessing the Current and Future State of Clinical Trial Supplies

Overview & General

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The average cost to develop a drug is 2.6 billion dollars and one major component of that spend is within the clinical supply chain. As the investment in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry is only increasing, the importance of running an efficient and productive supply chain increases as well.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of this rapidly evolving Clinical Trial Supply market, Arena International, Sonoco ThermoSafe, and Berlinger are conducting a comprehensive and forward looking survey across global regions. This survey has been developed by an advisory panel of industry experts from clinical operations, clinical trial supply logistics and packaging, and bio-pharma manufacturing and supply chain organizations.

The survey consists of 4 sections and covers a range of topics from logistics and supply challenges to innovation and technology. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete the survey and will remain open on-line until October 2016.

The complete results and analysis of the survey will be formally presented publicly in 2017 at the Arena International Events.

Thank you for your time and insights. We truly appreciate it.

Thank you to our Advisory Panel:​