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Social and Spatial Skills Assessment

Informed Consent

The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between social and spatial skills. Data collected from this survey will contribute to an undergraduate thesis project within the Honors Program at California University of Pennsylvania.

You are eligible to participate in this research if you are over the age of 18. If you complete the survey, you have the opportunity to enter your email address to win a gift card of your choosing from select vendors in the amount of $15.00.

Minimal physical and psychological risk is anticipated in this study; in other words, you will not be exposed to any more hazard than you are in your everyday life. As your participation is voluntary, you may exit the survey at any time without penalty. In the event that you choose to withdraw from the research, any and all records associated with your involvement will be safely discarded. 

All records are confidential and anonymous. Participants' names are never attached to their data. Information will be kept on a flash drive in Morgan Hall and on the researcher's web survey account, both of which will be password protected and accessible only by the researcher and project advisors. 

Submission of the survey will be interpreted as consent to use your data as outlined above.

If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca McDonough (student researcher) at Dr. Rueben Brock is the faculty advisor for this study, and can be reached at or 724-938-4023. Approved by the California University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board. This approval is effective May 6, 2016 and expires December 16, 2016. 

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