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A study investigating internet use, emotions, interpersonal relationships and online sexual experiences

Participant information page

My name is Saqba Batool and I am a Psychology PhD researcher at the University of Central Lancashire. I am currently conducting a research project under the supervision of Dr Jo Bryce that aims to investigate internet use, childhood experiences, emotional regulation, relationships with others and online sexual experiences during adolescence (i.e., when you were under the age of 16).  

Participants must be aged between 18 and 30, and have been active users of the internet when aged under 16.

If you agree to participate, you will be required to complete a questionnaire that will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Some questions relate to your own online and offline sexual experiences (e.g., sexual approaches online, abusive childhood experiences) which may cause participants distress. If you feel that this is a sensitive topic, please do not participate. If any distress or concerns arise as a result of participating, details of sources of support and information will be provided in the debrief. You can access the debrief sheet after submitting the completed questionnaire or, if you do not wish to complete the full questionnaire, by clicking on a link at the bottom of pages 4, 5, 8 and 9.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary, and all responses are completely confidential and anonymous. The data will be held in a secure, password protected file on the researcher’s computer / university network. Only the researcher (Saqba Batool), supervisor (Dr Jo Bryce) and those with legitimate academic need will have access to it. The results from this study will be used for my thesis and, potentially, conferences and journal publications.

You can withdraw from this study until the point of submitting the completed questionnaire by closing the browser window or not clicking ‘submit’. However, once you have submitted your responses, you will not be able to withdraw as all data is anonymous and individual responses cannot be identified.

By completing the questionnaire and submitting your data, you are giving consent to take part in the study.

As the questionnaire contains sensitive information, please refresh the website page and delete your history (through internet options) after you have submitted the questionnaire. If you are not sure how to find the internet options tab, please search ‘history’ on your computer.

If you have any questions or require further information, then please do not hesitate to email me or my supervisor using the details below.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation in this study.

PhD researcher
Saqba Batool
School of Psychology
University of Central Lancashire
Darwin Building, Room DB120

Dr Jo Bryce
School of Psychology
University of Central Lancashire
Darwin Building, Room DB208

If you have concerns about the research and you wish to raise them with somebody who is independent of the research team, please contact the University Officer for Ethics (