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School Technology Survey

School Technology Survey

This survey gives you the opportunity to provide feedback to the Commonwealth on the following topics:
  • School device needs
  • Piloting MASSTRAx, a school technology infrastructure data collection tool
  • Request more information on topics raised at the March 31 conference entitled, Preparing for Next-Generation Learning, Teaching and Assessment
  • Provide feedback on the March 31 conference (if you attended)
Please complete the survey by Friday, April 29, 2016. Thank you!
If in completing the survey you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mike Hamel at MassIT or Kenneth Klau at ESE.

Part 1 of 4: School Devices
The Commonwealth is interested in providing local school districts the opportunity to purchase bundled products and services from vendors listed on the state’s IT hardware contract (ITC47). While this contract already lets districts purchase devices and related services, the Commonwealth will be seeking special K-12 pricing for bundles that meet the following criteria:
  • Single, per pupil/per seat pricing
  • Consists of a device + other products and services
  • Volume discounts for districts that purchase as a consortium
The purpose of this section is to collect information about the interest in, and anticipated demand for, a variety of bundles (e.g., different hardware/software configurations and specific kinds of products and services). Data from this survey will be used to issue a Request for Quotes (RFQ) to the vendors listed on ITC47, with the goal of being able to offer the new bundles to districts for purchase by fall 2016. Please note that the data from this survey will be aggregated and no information about specific districts will be shared with vendors.

Although nonbinding, districts should provide a “good faith estimate” on the quantity of products and services sought, as well as interest in purchasing as a consortium. This will increase the likelihood of lower pricing.