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What makes a competent software engineer?


Hi there. I'm a software engineer. (More about me here.)

Check out this Medium article for more detail on why I wrote this survey, but the short version is, there's been a ton of discussion around software engineering hiring practices: how to find qualified candidates, how to interview them, and what the bar should be to hire them.

I find it fascinating how much people disagree on what a competent software engineer even is, let alone how to hire one.

And, as far as I can tell, there's been no research done to study this. So, this is an experiment to fix that.

You don't have to be a software engineer to take this survey. If you hire software engineers as a manager, founder, executive or recruiter, or if you're a student, I'd love to hear from you, too.

At the end, you can choose to include your responses in a public data set that I’ll release along with my results. There’s plenty of folk with more statistics knowledge than me, and maybe you can find patterns that I can’t.

A note: I use the term “software engineer” where other people may use “software developer”, “programmer”, “coder”, etc. For the purposes of this survey, I mean any of those terms when I say “software engineer”.

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