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Edeb8 member survey

General questions about edeb8

1. How would you rate edeb8 on the following:
Space Cell Rating
Debate Features
Debate Quality
Judging Quality
Social Features
Ease of Use
Visual Style
Community Input
2. Which of these do you do on edeb8? (select all that apply)
3. What kind of debates would you be interested in participating in?
4. How much do you agree with the following sentiments?
Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Edeb8 has too many bugs and errors
I know about most of the features edeb8 offers
It is easy for me to find debates I am interested in
I would like to improve my position on the edeb8 leaderboards
Edeb8 has too many social features
Edeb8 should appoint more moderators
Edeb8 should have an elected community leader
I like that Edeb8 is ad-free
The terms of use/privacy policy on edeb8 are reasonable
Edeb8 should improve its security
Edeb8 respects my privacy
Edeb8 should improve its speed
The selection of topics (for the issues and secret topics) is suitable
Edeb8 is confusing for new members
It is easy to sign up for and login to Edeb8
Edeb8 is a friendly community
I like the profile badges
Edeb8 has a diverse range of opinions, cultures etc represented
The debate round editor in edeb8 is adequate
Edeb8's notifications are adequate
Edeb8's search function is good
Edeb8's resources section is too small
Edeb8 should add more subforums
Edeb8 cares about what members think
Edeb8 is fun
9. Rank these items in order of which you would most like to see edeb8 spend any money on. Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
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