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Booking Babis for coaching

Dear ... !
First of all we want to thank you that you choose Babis to help you moving your life into the next level.
Congratulation for your courage because this is the first step into moving our lives forward.
Please note that Babis takes any cooperation extremely serious as it is a life changing move for you and your future.
Unfortunately not every applicant get contacted if he or she not required certain standards.
For this reason please take a lot of time and answer the below Questions very carefully.
The call you will receive will be a breakthrough session for you so Babis or his team must be prepared a lot before having a call with you.

We are commitment to help you and you must be commitment to be ready to move your life into the next level !
This question requires a valid email address.
4. Please select call Preference (Video Skype is the best) *This question is required.
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