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UDL in ESSA - Free Webinar!

Webinar Registration

Title: UDL in ESSA
Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Time: 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST

With the new Every Student Succeeds Act,  federal K-12 education law now defines and endorses Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a scientifically-based approach for personalizing learning.  What does ESSA say about UDL? What are the implications for education practitioners and researchers? Join us for a presentation and discussion.


Lindsay E. Jones, Esq. is the vice president, chief policy & advocacy officer for the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD). She leads a team that designs and implements NCLD’s legislative strategy in Washington, DC, aimed at advancing government policies that support the success of individuals with learning and attention issues in school, at work and in life. She also develops advocacy campaigns and works closely with NCLD’s grassroots network of committed parents. She has worked with the National UDL Task Force, an network of 45+ education and civil-rights organizations, to raise awareness about UDL among policy makers.

Laura A. Schifter, Ed.D.,  is a research consultant working with states and advocacy organizations to analyze data on the identification, placement, and performance of students with disabilities. She holds a doctorate from Harvard’s  Education Policy, Leadership, and Instructional Practice Program. Schifter previously worked as a senior education and disability advisor for Rep. George Miller (D-CA) on the Committee on Education and the Workforce. She is the co-editor of A Policy Reader in Universal Design for Learning (Harvard Education Press, 2009). 

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