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Nominations for Chemical Sciences Roundtable Members

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Chemical Sciences Roundtable

Dear Colleagues,

The Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology (BCST) is seeking nominations for members of the Chemical Sciences Roundtable (CSR).

The CSR is a standing roundtable of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine that:
- Identifies topics of importance to the chemical science and technology community.
- Organizes workshops on these topics.
- Disseminates the subsequent reports through discussions and presentations.

Aiming to be recognized as the premier resource to inform on developing issues in chemistry and chemical engineering, the CSR strives to provide a science-orientated, apolitical forum to enhance understanding of critical issues in chemical sciences and technology affecting the government, industrial, and academic sectors.

The roundtable is currently comprised of 18 members with 2 co-chairs. The Academies will appoint 6-8 more members to ideally have an overall composition of 1/3 academia, industry, and government. Expertise on the roundtable is expected to include the following areas: marketing and chemistry communications, industry centers in chemistry and engineering, philanthropic organization representatives, intersections of law and science, and intersections of business and chemistry.

Individuals with other expertise relevant to the mission will also be considered. We strongly encourage nominations of industry scientists and early career faculty, 

Please submit your nominations by July 22, 2016 for full consideration. All nominations submitted after that time will be considered on an ad hoc basis. 

1. Nominator information: *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
3. Nominee information: *This question is required.
4. Nominee contact information:
5. Is the person you are nominating aware that they are being nominated? *This question is required.
8. If you have a biography or CV for the nominee, please upload here.
10. Would you like to nominate another Roundtable member?