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AFMTE Assessments Table Standard One Survey

1. How would you rate the Assessment Table (AT) as a "map" to guide the user through the process of demonstrating competence in Standard One?
2. Is the AT broad enough to help educators effectively assess their Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSAs)?
3. Is the AT format easy to understand?
4. Is the AT format user-friendly?
5. How well do the Measurable Outcomes relate to the Competencies?
6. How well do you think the Assessment Types gauge the Measurable Outcomes?
7. How well do you think the Identifiable Tasks gauge the Measurable Outcomes?
8. How likely are you to use the AT?
9. Can you see using the AT as a self-assessment tool?
10. Can you see using the AT to assess Staff?
11. Can you see using the AT to assess Colleagues?
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