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MAST Core and Elective Course Learning Outcomes Form

Dear PSR Student,

This form must be submitted at the beginning of each core or elective course you take towards your MAST to ensure that the course you take fulfills to some extent the program learning outcomes and contributes to your MAST SAIL Capstone required in your last semester of the program. A copy of this form will be sent to you, your advisor, the MAST Director and the Office of Academic Affairs when you hit the "Submit" button.

For further questions about this form, please contact the MAST Director, Jay Johnson at
1. Student, Advisor and Course Information
2. What required area in the MAST do you want to apply this course to: *This question is required.
Which core requirement should this course satisfy?
Level of course If this course does not contain the pre-approved areas in the course number, please explain how the course substantively covers this area of study.
4000 level or higher (at least 1 course in each of the 3 core areas is required at this level) lower than 4000 level
Social Theory/Religion & Society (Fields: RS)
Religious & Philosophical Ethics (Fields: CE)
Theology: Philosophical, Systematic, Practical (Fields for theology: ST, PH, PT; Fields for practical theology: RA, SP, EL, FT,HM, LS, PS, ED)
3. Please attach a copy of the syllabus for this course. *This question is required.
4. Describe how this course will help you achieve the program learning outcomes. Not every learning outcome may be covered in each course used toward a core or elective requirement. However, by the time you complete the entire MAST program, all outcomes achievement should be distributed in a balanced way among all your courses. *This question is required.
Evaluation on how this course will help me achieve this learning outcome
Engage in cultural and political analysis both theologically and ethically, especially for insights into structural inequality, systemic injustice, and institutionalized oppressions;
Assess, evaluate, and help to prepare faith communities to engage in collaborative partnerships with programs and organizations devoted to systemic social change for the common good;
Articulate the unique contributions theological and ethical traditions can make to the work of social changemaking in specific sectors, such as economic justice and development, and ecological sustainability;
Evaluate and appropriate diverse, interdisciplinary strategies for changemaking drawn from the worlds of social innovation, non-profit organizations, and grass-roots community organizing;
Build and foster communities marked by cross-cultural humility and devoted to collaborative problem solving for transforming social systems of oppressive power.