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Product Partner Assessment - July 2016

Partner Assessment Intro

Habits at Work is completing an accelerated market analysis to look for new product and service partners focused in the areas of employee health, happiness and financial security on behalf of its clients.

Potential partners are being asked to complete this Partner Assessment to determine fit and philosophical alignment. The desired outcome is to contract with select, high quality strategic partners who will support the execution and measurement of our clients’ employee performance strategies.

You should only complete this questionnaire if:

  • You are a vendor that sells a product or service that is geared toward habit creation in the domain of human health, happiness or financial security. 
  • Your offering can be sold B2B2C - ideally it is an employer / corporate solution. 
  • You have a strong knowledge of both the logistics of implementation as well as the design thinking behind your offering, specifically the ways in which it works to help users develop new habits.
  • You have a member of your Product team handy who can help answer the Habit Ability Assessment portion of the questionnaire. 

Assessments must be completed by July 15, 2016. Finalists will be notified on August 1, 2016.