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SWORTC Foster/Adoptive Parent Conference 2016

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Each person attending needs to complete a registration form. If you are part of a couple, we need a completed registration form for each of you. Thanks.
9. Licensing Agency Type *This question is required.
11. Friday Morning Session (9:00 to 12:00) - Choose One
12. Friday Afternoon Session (1:00 to 4:00) - Choose One
13. Friday Keynote Session (6 PM to 9 PM)

AEP: What Foster Parents Do   In this keynote, Dr. Strayhorn draws on years of research and compelling data to argue the importance of AEP for foster parents, support staff, and mentors. AEP has three components: (a) A-awareness of the issues, E-explanation of the trends & challenges, P-promoting promising solutions/producing results. He will use each component to highlight what we know about foster youth challenges and successes, barriers to their success, and strategies for ensuring their success in the 21st century.

14. Saturday Morning Session (9:00 to 12:00) - choose one
15. Saturday Afternoon Session (1:00 to 4:00) - choose one
16. Friday Meals (Select all you plan to attend)
17. Saturday Meals (Select all you plan to attend)
18. Complimentary Lodging Request:
Complimentary lodging requires being a caregiver licensed by a county agency AND living 50 miles or more from Holiday Inn Eastgate AND attendance during the entire conference.