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Puyallup In Motion Travel Survey

Travel Information

To receive FREE travel information and incentives tailored to your needs, please complete the following survey. 
1. Home Address *This question is required.
2. How did you commute to work or school last week? Check the box for the primary mode you used each day.  *This question is required.
Space Cell Drive AloneCarpoolVanpoolBusTrain (Sounder)BikeWalkTelecommuteNo trips taken
4. How many people live in your household?
5. How many vehicles are available in your household?
6. I would like to request information about the following modes (check all that apply):
7. I would like to request the following incentives (check all that apply):
8. Would you consider shifting some of your weekly drive-alone trips to walk, bike, transit or carpool trips? If so, what type of trips would you consider changing?
9. What would be your reasons for changing those trips?
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