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2016 Passholder Survey

1. Where do you live? Or, where are you living this summer? 
2. In which system do you ride most often?
3. When you think of the majority of your WE-cycle rides this summer, had WE-cycle not been available, what mode of travel would you have chosen?
4. Do you use WE-cycle in conjunction with RFTA? 

Please select all that apply to your RFTA and WE-cycle use.

6. When you think of the majority of your WE-cycle rides this summer, what percentage of these rides replaced car trips?
7. When you choose to ride WE-cycle, what are your motivating factors? Select all that apply.
8. Which of the following do you use most often to check out a WE-cycle?

On a scale of one to five where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent, how would you rate your experience as a user of Transit App?


If you have encountered problems using Transit App, please select all that apply from the list below.

11. For what purposes do you ride WE-cycle? Please rank 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with 1 being your top use and 5 your lowest. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
14. WE-cycle is working on its regional expansion plan, where would you use bike share?
16. If WE-cycle were to be open year-round, would you ride in the winter months? 
17. Which WE-cycle bike do you prefer?
WE greatly appreciate your time and feedback. 
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