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User Experience and Project Management Survey

About this survey
As user experience professionals we know that a good UX is only as good as its process. We champion an iterative process of user research, design, and testing. 

But we do not operate in a vacuum. We operate in organizations where we are one piece of the overall project and where a variety of different project management methodologies impact our idealized design process.

The goal of this survey is to gather some initial findings as to what works and what does not when it comes to integrating UX into a variety of different project management styles. The results of this survey will be made public for anyone to look at, but any references to specific individuals or organizations will be omitted to protect your anonymity.


A few basics
1. As a professional, I do the following (select all that apply): *This question is required.
2. As a UX professional, what department are you part of? *This question is required.
3. What project methodology do you practice? *This question is required.
4. How satisfied are you with your current project process? *This question is required.
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery Satisfied

Your work life
This question requires a valid number format.
6. On average, how stressed do you feel about your project(s)?
Not stressed
Extremely stressed
7. On average, how satisfied are you with the designs that go into production?
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery Satisfied

Your organization
8. How long has UX been a part of your organization’s projects?
9. How much do you think your organization values UX as a field?
Not valued
Moderately valued
Extremely valued
10. How open to changes in project process is your organization?
Not open
Moderately open
Very Open
11. Do you usually feel you or your researchers have adequate access to users?

Your projects
13. In your projects, how do developers and designers typically interact?
14. When are UX activities conducted in relation to development work?
15. How much time do you have to do UX work on an average project?
Very little time
Plenty of time
16. How much or how little process interference do you experience from management?
Moderate interference
A lot of interference
17. How often do changes in project scope frustrate you?
18. How often are you able to conduct UX activities after a product’s release?
21. Would you be willing to participate in follow-up research on this topic? *This question is required.
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