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Personality and parental divorce

Personality and Parental Divorce
You are being asked to take part in a study investigating personality, the way in which your parents behaved after their divorce and how you cope with stress. The questionnaire will ask you about your mother’s and father’s behaviour towards each other in the year post divorce and in the past year.
To take part in this study you must have been aged between the ages of 11-16 years old when your parents divorced.
You must also be over 18 years old to take part in this study.
This research is being conducted by Dr Loren Abell (Nottingham Trent University), Dr Gayle Brewer, (University of Central Lancashire) and Dr András Láng, (University of Pécs)
Participation in this study is voluntary. If you agree to take part you will be asked about your parent’s behaviour after their divorce. This includes negative behaviour such as arguing and physical violence that you may find sensitive to answer. Please do not take part if you feel you would be distressed by the topics in this questionnaire.
If you agree to take part and change your mind during completing the survey, you can withdraw from the study by choosing not to click ‘submit’ or exiting the survey.  You will not be able to withdraw from the study after you have submitted the questionnaire. This is because we do not take your name to protect your anonymity.
The answers that you give are anonymous. Therefore, submitting the completed questionnaire will indicate your consent to take part in the study. All data will be stored on a password protected computer. Summaries of the collected data may be used for research publications or for conference presentations.
If you feel distressed by any of the questions, there are sources of support at the end of the questionnaire. Alternatively, you can access this information without completing the questionnaire by clicking the link below.
Please read the instructions on the top of each page as the instructions will differ slightly for each questionnaire. The questionnaire should take around 20 minutes to complete.
Thank you for taking part. If you have any questions about the study please contact a member of the research team.
Dr Loren Abell
Dr Gayle Brewer
Dr András Láng
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