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Agriland State Of The Farming Nation

State Of The Farming Nation

1. What gender are you? *This question is required.
3. Are you a
4. What enterprise are you?
5. What age category do you fall under *This question is required.
6. If there was a General Election tomorrow which party would give your first preference vote to?
7. How confident in the IFA’s ability to represent farmers after last year’s pay scandal?
Not At All ConfidentNot Very ConfidentNeutralConfidentVery Confident
8. The 8th amendment to the Constitution gives equal rights to the mother and to the unborn child. Are you in favour of repealing this amendment so that terminations in, for example, the case of rape or fatal foetal abnormality could be made legal, or are you in favour of keeping the amendment?
9. Do you see a positive future for the Irish farming sector?
10. Should the IFA do away with ‘producer’ levies to fund the association?
11. How do you rate the current farm inspection procedures?
Far Too StringentToo StringentIndifferentManageableEasily Manageable
12. Would your farm be viable without EU direct payments?
13. Do you think consumers value the quality of Irish Food?
14. Do you think farmers get a fair share of the retail price of food?
15. Would you ever sell your farm?
16. Do you have a succession plan in place?
17. How confident are you with Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed?
Not Confident At AllNot ConfidentIndifferentConfidentVery Confident
18. Are you a member of a farming organisation? ie. IFA/ICSA/ICMSA/Hill Farmers Association etc...
19. Does Bord Bia do a good enough job in marketing Irish food?
20. Do you think Brexit will impact your farm business?
21. How has 2016 affected your farm business?
It's Been Very DifficultIt's Been DifficultSame As Any Other YearIt's Been Slightly BetterIt's Been Much Better
22. How do you think 2017 will be for the agriculture industry
23. If there was a referendum for a 32 County Ireland, how would you vote?
24. Do you think the current farm payments system is fair to all farmers?
25. Have you ever been directly affected by rural crime?
26. In what ways have you been affected
27. Do you feel safe in your own home?
28. How satisfied are you with Phil Hogan as Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development? 
Very DissatisfiedDissastisifiedNeturalSatisfiedVery Satisfied
29. Do you have internet access in your home?
30. Do you draw a regular wage from your farm business?
31. Do you buy a newspaper?
32. Where do you get your farming news?
33. How often do you attend a mart?
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