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Hampstead Heath Cafes Consultation

We want to ensure that our cafes meet the needs of users, stakeholders and residents. Following a review of the way in which we tender café leases, we have created a broad-based ‘Café Working Group’ to work with us to develop a new approach.

To help to develop this approach, we need to gather as much information as possible about how people use our cafes, what people are looking for in a café on Hampstead Heath (Parliament Hill Fields), in Golders Hill Park  and in Highgate Wood, and how we might improve the catering offer across all of our sites.

We’ve devised a questionnaire to gather this information. The questionnaire will be available for a period of 6 weeks, closing on  6 November 2016. In parallel, we’ll be holding a number of events at our cafes to gather more views and opinions.

 We really value your input, so even if you do not currently use cafes at Parliament Hill Fields, in Golders Hill Park or in Highgate Wood, we still want your views. Please take the time to complete this survey. It should take around 15 minutes of your time.

Thank you for your participation.

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