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How did we do?

Eureka Pizza Survey

THANKS! This goes straight to the Manager and Owner of Eureka Pizza- we want our customers to come back and recommend us to their friends.
3. What Location of Eureka Pizza did you experience?
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
6. Rate the Friendliness of our service
Space Cell 1 star is Terrible. 5 is Awesome!
7. Rate the Cleanliness of the restaurant.
Space Cell 1 star is Terrible. 5 is Awesome!
8. Rate the Speed of service.
Space Cell 1 star is Slooow. 5 is Awesome!
10. Rate the Freshness of the pizza.
Space Cell 1 star is Terrible. 5 is Awesome!
11. Rate the overall Quality of the pizza.
Space Cell 1 star is No I won't . 5 is YES I will!
12. Would you come back? 
Space Cell 1 star is No I won't . 5 is YES I will!
13. How likely are you to Recommend our pizza to a friend?
Space Cell 1 is No I won't . 5 is YES I will!
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