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YALDA Morocco i-Boot Camp Speaker Evaluation Form

YALDA Morocco i-Boot Camp Speaker Evaluation Form

Please fill out the evaluation form below to let us know your experience as an esteemed speaker; let us know what you really liked and how we can improve, Thank You!

Please be very honest with your evaluation; we appreciate all feedback whether negative or positive.  The forms will be compiled by one person and read by the YALDA Executive Committee, therefore we will not know who filled in which form, it is all completely anonymous.
1. For each statement below please select one box that best describes how you feel.  Please feel free to make comments as well. *This question is required.
Space Cell Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
You found the i-Boot Camp schedule and content comprehensive and interesting
The mission and goals of the i-Boot Camp were clear
You invitation to attend the i-Boot Camp came in a timely fashion
Communication with your liaison was easy and clear
The speaker dossier was comprehensive and had all the information you needed as a speaker
Organizers were helpful during the i-Boot Camp
You found the i-Boot Camp addressed the stated mission and goals
You found the calibre of youth presenting ideas high
You were happy with the feedback you were able to give the youth presenters
You had time to network with other speakers
You had time to network with delegates after the sessions
If you attended any, you felt entertained at the night-time events
If you attended any, you had a truly Cameroonian experience during the cultural excursions
You learnt more about YALDA as an organization and understand its mission and goals
Would you recommend the YALDA i-Boot Camp to your network
For all the questions below please answer truthfully and concisely as possible (Enter text in the boxes provided)
Thank you for taking our survey. Your response is very important to us.
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