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Clothing for Scarring- Initial Insight

My name is Erin Wainwright, I am a student of Sustainable Product Design at Falmouth University, specialising in sustainable and smart textiles. This survey is to collect information and insight from scar sufferers to find out more about how I can design to help make their experience of clothing more comfortable.

Many technological garments are bulky and gimmicky. I wish to design a garment to treat dry skin and scarring, that is also desirable. I will explore the possibilities of using 3-D knitting techniques combined with specific materials and technologies to create smart garments. I wish to explore how I can use technology to achieve different patterns and even combine materials into a knit which supports the protection of skin. Drawing inspiration from the biology of the human skin and its changing state, I wish to design a garment that can RESPOND to the skin.

Scarring can massively affect people’s mobility. I want my garment to either help with the healing of scars or improve comfort and/or mobility in those affected by scarring. I will look into compression and conditions for keeping skin moisturised, using materials research to make a garment that is kind to the skin.

I will research the downfalls of current textiles through the complexities and discomfort experienced by users and wearers. I hope to Create an emotional response through the products value to the user. I will be considering the full life-cycle throughout the design including raw materials and processes. I wish to design a product with longevity. 
My inspiration: My beautiful mum who has lived for 45 years with extensive scarring on her back.
1. Do you experience dry skin on your scar?
3. Do you find discomfort with tight or loose clothing?
5. If a piece of clothing helped keep your scar moisturised, used compression, and/or form to support movement, would you be interested in buying it?
7. Does your scar affect your mobility in any way?
9. Approximately, how wide is your largest scar  (measure along the longest dimension)?
10. Approximately, how large is the surface area of your scar (if you have multiple scars of varying sizes select more than one range)?
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