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The Spirituality and Health Project


Thank you for your interest in this research project. In this project we will collect data from therapists and other medical specialists as well as students working in this field in the UK and Brazil. Our aim is to understand the place of spirituality within a therapeutic context. We want to examine how important spirituality (or religion) is in your work, either as therapist, psychologist or any other role in the medical sector. It would be also helpful if you could describe in your answers to the questions instances in your work in the medical sector where spirituality (or religion) played a part.

We are very grateful to you for participating and look forward to reading your response. Please answer the questions as briefly or at greater length as you wish. If a question seems inappropriate or does not make sense to you, please ignore it. Your answers will be treated completely confidentially but we should like to be able to quote from them as appropriate in reporting our research.

The project is linked to the Religious Experience Research Centre at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. The Research Centre (RERC) collects accounts of people’s religious, spiritual and paranormal experiences, which are kept in our archive. The reports are transferred to a database in an anonymous form for ease of access for researchers and to protect confidentiality. If you have had such an experience and would like your account to be included in the Archive of the Centre, under conditions of anonymity, please indicate at the end of the questionnaire. We will send you another document to complete.
If you prefer to reply on paper, please email for a copy of the survey as word.doc.

Prof Bettina Schmidt, Director of the Religious Experience Research Centre, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Dr Everton Maraldi, Researcher at the Institute of Psychology, Universidade de São Paulo [Thanks to Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, FAPESP (2016/00368-6)]
Rev Dr Jeff Leonardi, Research Fellow at the Religious Experience Research Centre, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
MS Maria Cristina M. de Barros, pesquisadora do PROSER, Instituto de Psiquiatria da Universidade de São Paulo

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