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Accelerator Education and Community Outreach Grants

1. Please provide the following:
Please provide us with your mission, the number of years you have been in operation, the names of the key staff in your organization, governance structure, and key accomplishments including prior work in Kansas City business and economic development.
7. Bios and qualifications of leadership team (upload single Word or PDF document):Please upload the bios and qualifications of the leadership team here, including career expertise that enables this accelerator to succeed.
Provide a detailed description of the educational functions of the accelerator: how it delivers its curriculum and the various subject matter that is covered. What kinds of settings do you use to deliver education versus business specific technical assistance? How do you get feedback on the effectiveness of the educational curriculum? Has it ever been evaluated by a third party? Do you have plans to do so in the future?
Provide a detailed description of the community outcomes that are anticipated as a result of the activities you propose to undertake. What populations and communities are you targeting? How do you plan to achieve these outcomes in terms of staff and social networks? What do you propose to accomplish? How do you know you will be successful?
Provide a detailed description of the accelerator’s business strategy in Kansas City including recruitment strategy, management, the names and roles of local companies supporting the effort, the mentorship curriculum, information regarding potential financial investments in the startups, and how you evaluate the success of the accelerator initiative.
Provide a detailed description of the accelerator’s anticipated outcomes for entrepreneurs. How will the accelerator’s educational programming, assisting underserved groups, and/or novel research outcomes enable entrepreneurs improved access to mentors, money, markets and management?
12. Budget (upload this completed template):Please provide a budget for the accelerator project that includes a break out of all of the revenue and expenses for one year. The revenue line item should include expected and committed sources. Under expenses, please specify those costs that you want covered by an EMKF grant. EMKF does not fund indirect, overhead or generic costs. All budget line items must clearly support grant outcomes. 
13. Work plan:Please provide a work plan for the accelerator project. Please include near and long-term sustainability plans in the work plan for the business model and service/product being delivered.
14. Please upload a document to address the following financial due diligence requirements:• 2017 organizational budget, including sources of revenue for duration of proposed grant period.
• Three year history of financial statements, audited if possible (include management letter from auditor)