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CCCApply Paper Application Draft Review


CCCApply Standard Application - paper-based version.

Please review the draft of the paper version of the Standard Admission Application and answer the following questions. The final question on page 4 will ask for your approval to submit this version to the Chancellor's Office for their final approval so we can publish as soon as possible.

Review Appendix  
The Appendix i: Information  page (p. 10-11) contains explanations and additional information that should be/needs to be included to support noncredit, ESL, and other special populations as they complete the paper-based version.Most of the language included came straight from either the hover help, data dictionary, or legal language already published in our online version. However, as the Steering Committee and experts on this application, your review and approval is required. If you make any suggestions, please provide specific language to be used for a speedy and accurate revision.

If you have any questions, use the comments section at the end of the survey. 

Thank you!
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