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Secrets of a Successful Organizer Survey

Thank you for buying Secrets of a Successful Organizer. We hope the book can be a tool in the hard work ahead.

Labor Notes wants to hear how organizers like you are using the book, as well as what you thought of it. Your answers will help us as we continue to develop materials to go along with the book. We also hope you'll help us get it into as many hands as possible.

All those who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for one of three prizes: 1) a Troublemakers hoodie; 2) a Troublemakers t-shirt; 3) a Troublemakers pint glass or mug.

*If you would prefer to do a version of this survey via phone, please e-mail or call 718-284-4144 to set up a time to talk.
4. How did you hear about Secrets of a Successful Organizer?
5. How many copies of the book did you buy?
9. Have you used any of the 42 free handouts on the book’s website (

17. We are currently working on a Spanish translation, which we expect to have done at the beginning of 2017. Do you think your union or worker center would be interested in this translation? Or do you know others who might? (For more info, visit:
Thanks again for taking the time to complete our survey. We hope you'll consider Labor Notes a resource in the struggles ahead of us. Solidarity!
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