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Register - Webcast Series: Essential Practices to Facilitate Implementation of WIOA

Register - Webcast Series: Practices to Facilitate Implementing WIOA

Thank you for your interest in the KTDRR webcast series: Essential Practices to Facilitate Implementation of WIOA. These webcasts will take place from 3-4 pm ET on December 6 and 7 (Caseload Management) and December 8 (Customized Employment). We have requested pre-approval for CRC-CEUs and all who register will be notified when we receive that approval.

1. Contact Information
2. Please select all the webcasts that you will attend. NOTE: You must view both Part 1 and Part 2 of Caseload Management in order to request CRC-CEUs (once pre-approval has been confirmed).
3. Are you affiliated with the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), or a NIDILRR-funded project?
5. Closed captioning and text descriptions of the presentation materials will be available for this webcast. Do you have additional accessibility requests? If yes, we will email you shortly after receiving your registration.