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12.6.16 Li2L Registration


This is the registration form for the December 6, 2016 12-1pm ET webinar:   
"Structural Factors and Sexual Orientation Health Disparities in Adolescent Substance Use: A Multi-level Analysis" presented by Melanie “Somjen” Frazer, PhD Student, ABD in Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
7. Please select your employment setting (check all that apply) *This question is required.
9. How confident are you that you can... *This question is required.
Space Cell Not at all confidentSomewhat confidentModerately confidentVery confident
Explain why it is important to understand structural causes of health disparities among sexual minority youth.
Describe why substance use disparities might be a large and persistent cause of disparate morbidity among sexual minority youth.
List potential outcomes to expect for sexual orientation substance use disparities among youth given the changing political landscape.
10. Please select the reason you are attending this training (please select all that apply) *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.