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IACUC17 Affiliate Event Application

Thank you for your interest in hosting an Affiliate Event at IACUC17.  PRIM&R welcomes organizations, institutions, companies, Supporters/Exhibitors, and other groups to gather and host affiliate events in conjunction with this meeting.
An affiliate event is defined as a non-PRIM&R hosted event held by an industry-related organization; that happens during the overall conference dates or two days prior to or one day post the conference; and that occurs in the conference host city. Affiliate event attendees may come from the IACUC Conference community or from outside the conference audience. PRIM&R will take into consideration the target audience during the approval process.
Affiliate events could include: committee meetings, business meetings, staff meetings, group specific trainings, focus/research groups, working groups, receptions/dinners, or client events.
Before completing this application, please review PRIM&R's Affiliate Event Policy.
Please complete the application no later than February 10, 2017.