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Your Ideal Man-imal Quiz

The Quiz

Instructions to take Your Ideal Man-imal™ Quiz
  1. Imagine your FANTASY of an Ideal Man, and answer the questions based on that image.
  2. The Quiz will help you see men in a new way.
  3. You can take The Quiz as many times as you like.
You will receive your Quiz results INSTANTLY, with an email to keep for your records.
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1. He is naturally sensual and confident about his appearance, and dresses to attract women. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
2. He is a natural leader, expects the best of himself and others, and tends to prefer being in charge.  *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
3. He is highly ambitious, works hard, focused on achieving financial success. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
4. He and his buddies are into physical competitions and may even go to extremes of body building. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
He is artistic, sees creative ways to make his world beautiful; the places he goes, things in his home, and interesting people.
*This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
6. He is an adrenaline junkie, loves extreme sports and may participate in downhill skiing, para-gliding, car racing, moto-cross, etc. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
7. You can recognize him in a group of friends, cuz he's having so much FUN! *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
8. He tends to spend his time in intellectual pursuits rather than physical activities. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
9. He wants to improve the world and chooses careers that can address social issues, such as non-profits, political volunteering, or religious roles. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
10. He can be satisfied with life, once he reaches a comfortable level, and may lack the drive to move higher. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
11. He can be romantic and focused on pleasing you: candles, flowers, flattering words, etc. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
12. He tends to be drawn to power careers, i.e.: politician, CEO, military, or police. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
13. He looks like a winner with the best of everything: clothing, car, house, boat, watch, etc. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
14. He is focused on health and fitness, eats right, works out, may even know carb and calorie counts of many foods. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
15. He is drawn toward visually aesthetic careers, such as interior design, artist, or architect. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
16. He gets a rush from "high stress" careers: might be a safari guide, rock-star musician, motivation speaker, or dare-devel pilot, etc. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
17. He is very playful, enjoying human interactions, with a friendly and inclusive sense of humor. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
18. He is highly educated, well read, likes to think and enjoys discussions about issues or philosophy. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
19. He has high ideals for society, and may give his time, energy, and/or money to make improvements. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
20. He is relaxed and comfortable in his own skin, therefore children are at ease with him, and may even think he is their buddy.  *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
21. He is comfortable with women and drawn toward careers where he interacts with them: furniture sales, fashion marketing, real estate, and jewelry sales.  *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
22. He stands tall and erect, exudes an energy of strength and confidence, may wear a uniform.  *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
23. He prefers a white-collar career, may dress in business casual or wear a suit and tie. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
24. He wears clothing that display his muscular physique; tight T-shirts, sleeveless tanks, etc.  *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
25. He is unusually good looking, with a great sense of style, and attracts attention, like a model or an actor. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
26. He is adventurous and may dress in outdoor gear; hiking boots, leather moto jacket, gear-heavy backpacks, etc. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
27. His playfulness can seem silly or immature, when he uses it to avoid deep interactions. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
28. He gravitates toward academic or science careers; teacher, writer, computers, mathematics, or engineer. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
29. His commitment to social causes means you may see him marching in protest parades or handing out pamphlets. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
30. He is very masculine, non-judgemental, physically cuddly and comfortable with holding hands or other PDAs. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
31. He can be seductive, likes to flirt, and feels like more of a man when many women are responsive.  *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
32. He thinks its loving when he quides you; such as telling you how to dress, who to have for friends, how to behave, etc. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
33. He feels compelled to win and actively competes to get ahead of others.  *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
34. He may choose a physical career, such as trainer, or in macho sports like martial arts. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
35. He has an extensive wardrobe; dresses well and enjoys using accessories; hats, jewelry, scarves, etc. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
36. In a need for excitement, he may push the limits with each new opportunity, physical challenge, or even financial risk. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
37. He is socially gregarious, can gather many acquaintances, and may be drawn toward sales as a career. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
38. He is very intelligent, may wear glasses, somewhat reserved, and may be seen as either witty or a "nerd." *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
39. He has a spiritual/religious side and may adhere to the teachings of a group. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him
40. He likes to work with his hands, may be blue-collar: mechanic, cowboy, farmer, or in construction, etc. *This question is required.
Least Like HimMost Like Him