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Stress and Exercise Questionnaire

Basic Information

Thank you for taking part in this questionnaire.

This questionnaire is an industry standard designed to assess perceived stress levels across various professions. This study aims to assess the link between perceived stress and activity levels within the veterinary profession, conducted by Andrew Rose and Renate Weller from the Royal Veterinary College

As this study is part of an industry standard, a few questions may seem superfluous to you, however please answer the questions to the best of your abilities. 

Should you wish to know how your answers compare to the industry average, please contact me on 

Please be assured that all answers are completely anonymous and are stored securely and confidentially. 

The questionnaire is in 4 parts and should take you no longer than 15 minutes.

This study has been approved by the Royal Veterinary College Clinical Research Ethics Review Board.
Number: 2016 - T505
The first part of the questionnaire is designed to assess your perceived stress levels.
1. Which area of the veterinary profession do you work in?
2. What is your primary role within your job?
3. If a qualified vet or nurse, how long ago did you graduate?
4. Which species do you predominantly work with?
6. On what basis are you empoyed?

7. When do you expect your next promotion?
10. Sex
11. Age
12. How would you describe your ethnic origin?
14. Marital Status
15. If you are married/living with a partner, does he/she work?
16. If yes, is it full time or part time?
17. Number of children aged 18 or under?
18. Number of children aged over 18 years?
19. Academic level reached in full-time education? (please specify an alternative level if appropriate)
20. Do you take planned exercise?
21. Do you manage an 'ideal' exercise programme? (e.g. 15-30 minutes vigorous exercise 3 times a week)
22. Do you smoke cigarettes?
23. If yes, how many per day do you smoke on average?
24. In the last 3 months have you been smoking:
25. Do you drink alcohol?


If Yes, how many units do you drink per week on average? (1 unit = half a pint of beer, 1 small glass of wine or 1 measure of spirits)

27. In the last 3 months, have you been drinking:
28. Do you have a disability?
29. If yes, does this relate to physical health?
30. If yes, does this relate to mental health?
31. Do you find time to relax and wind down?
32. Do you have any interests or hobbies?
33. In general, do you mix socially with work colleagues?
34. I am troubled that:
Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeSlightly DisagreeSlightly AgreeAgreeStrongly Agree
I work longer hours than I choose or want to
I work unsociable hours
I spend too much time travelling in my job
I have little control over many aspects of my job
My work interferes with my home and personal life
I may be doing the same job for the next 5-10 years
My physical working conditions are unpleasant (e.g. noisy, dirty)
My job involves the risk of actual physical violence
My boss behaves in an intimidating and bullying way towards me
My performance at work is closely monitored
I do not receive the support from others (boss/colleagues) that I would like
My job is insecure
My job is not permanent
My pay & benefits are not as good as other people doing the same or similar work
The technology in my job has overloaded me
My organisation is constantly changing for change's sake
My work is dull and repetitive
I feel isolated at work e.g. working on my own or lack of social support from others
I am not sure what is expected of me by my boss
Other people at work are not pulling their weight
I am set unrealistic deadlines
I am given unmanageable workloads
My boss is forever finding fault with what I do
Others take the credit for what I have achieved
I have to deal with difficult customers/clients
My relationships with colleagues are poor
I do not feel I am informed about what is going on in this organisation
I am never told if I am doing a good job
I am not involved in decisions affecting my job
I am not adequately trained to do many aspects of my job
I do not have the proper equipment or resources to do my job
I do not have enough time to do my job as well as I would like
My job is likely to change in the future
My job skills may become redundant in the near future
My ideas or suggestions about my job are not taken into account
I have little or no influence over my performance targets
I do not enjoy my job
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