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PSE SEIU Local 1948 - Franklin Pierce Chapter Bargaining Survey

PSE SEIU Local 1948 - Franklin Pierce Chapter Bargaining Survey 2017

We are asking for both your home and work e-mail should we need to follow up with you on your survey return.

Your chapter board of trustees has decided to keep things simple this time with the bargaining survey. We are asking you to identify your top 5 financial and non- financial bargaining objectives.

“Financial” means money items like: wages, longevity, vacation pay, insurance benefits, professional development compensation, work year calendar etc.

“Non- financial “are other than money items like: safety, district policies, training, seniority, evaluations etc.

The bargaining objectives we present to the district will be based on what you have identified as a priority—so it is really important that you take the time to fill out the survey. There is space on the Survey for you to expand on your bargaining objectives.

In addition, there is an opportunity for you to identify what you would be willing to do to support bargaining for the new contract, comment on specific changes you would like to make to the current contract or other concerns that will help the bargaining team understand your bargaining priorities.
1. Please fill in your contact information below: *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.
2. What are your top five financial bargaining objectives? *This question is required.
4. What are your top five non-financial bargaining objectives? *This question is required.
9. Count Me In!

Winning a good contract takes hard work. We’ve made huge improvements by getting active and educating lawmakers about the important work we do. Which of the following can we count on you to do?