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Young People and Sexting


LANDED Peer Education Service recently visited your school and delivered a presentation to raise awareness of the risks and consequences of Sexting. We now need your help to evaluate how useful you felt the presentation was. If you could take a few minutes to complete our survey it would be much appreciated. It won't take long and all your answers will be anonymous. 
1. Do you live in
2. Do you identify as
3. What year group are you in?
4. Before the sexting presentation
How informed did you feel about the personal and legal consequences of sexting?
I knew nothing about itI had some knowledgeI knew enough to keep me safeI was pretty clued up
5. After the sexting presentation
How informed do you now feel about the personal and legal consequences of sexting?
I still know nothingMore informed than beforeI feel clued upVery well informed
6. How confident do you now feel about reporting any issues relating to sexting to an adult/teacher/parent?
Not confident at allSlightly ConfidentConfidentVery Confident
7. Since receiving the presentation have you spoken to a friend/adult/teacher/parent about any concerns you may have in relation to sexting?
8. Since taking part in the presentation have you felt the need to review any of your own photo's or videos on your own devices or social media pages?
9. Since the presentation do you feel you now give more consideration to the photos and videos that you take, send and share online?
10. Do you now feel more confident in identifying which photos, images and videos could be classed as sexually explicit?
11. Have you shared any of the information that you learned from the presentation with others i.e friends or family?
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