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Development finance innovations at the country-level UNDS


We know you are busy and are glad to see you here. Thank for joining us for this this survey. It will take about 7-10 minutes of your time. We greatly appreciate your support!
What we are looking for
Where are colleagues in the field thinking in creative ways around financing sustainable development and the SDGs? What initiatives at the country-level are already underway? This is what we would like to explore with this survey.
More specifically, we are looking at two aspects of financing development in new ways:

A) Tapping into new public or private finance pools
In part A of the survey, we are looking for initiatives that aim to tap into new finance pools. These resources could be public, private or located at the intersection of the public and private sector.

B) Achieving more impact by using resources in new ways
In part B of the survey, we are looking for initiatives that use existing resources in new ways to finance development. These aim to increase impact by spending money more effectively and efficiently (“more value for money”).

Background of this survey
As you are aware, in New York and elsewhere many ideas are being discussed on how to finance the SDGs, framed by the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. These discussions guide the UNDG as we think jointly through the broader shift of the UN development system (UNDS) from "Funding to Financing".
We know that many colleagues at the country-level are thinking in creative ways about how sustainable development and the work of the UNDS can be financed. We would like to encourage these innovations and support colleagues from across the UNDS in this regard.

As a first step, we aim to gain an understanding of the innovations in financing that are already underway at the country and regional level. With this short survey, we hope to establish where development finance innovations are happening and who can provide further information. This information will serve as the starting point for more detailed follow-up to help us identify promising practices.

Please note: We are aware of the conversations at international level regarding a commonly agreed definition of "innovative finance". This survey is designed to cast out a wide net. It aims to capture a broad spectrum of development finance innovations at the country level and does not limit itself to the various existing definitions of "innovative finance" used by the UN, the Leading Group, the World Bank, the OECD or other relevant institutions.