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Wildlife Release & Transport Volunteer Questionnaire

Wildlife Release & Transport Volunteer Questionnaire

This question requires a valid email address.
4. Are you a current Pasadena Humane Society volunteer?
5. Are you at least 21 years old?
6. Do you have a valid driver's license?
7. Are you able to provide proof of valid car insurance?
8. Does your car have a front and back seat?
9. How likely are you to commit to one 4-hour on-call shift per week?
10. How likely are you to commit to 4 hours of service per month?
11. Can you commit to volunteering at the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA (PHS) for six months to one year?
12. Have you worked or volunteered with animals before?
13. Are you comfortable being around a variety of animals including opossums and pigeons?
14. Are you comfortable with being exposed to animal feces and various cleaning products?
15. I have read and understand the Wildlife Release & Transport volunteer program time commitment and qualifications.
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