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Pastor Search Opinion Survey

Pastor Search Opinion Survey

Pastor Search Committee | Congregational Opinion Survey
As we follow God’s leading in search of a new Senior Pastor, we feel it is imperative to stay connected with the FBC church body. We value your input during this process and ask that you prayerfully fill out this survey to help us better identify the man that will fill this important position. The survey will run from January 15 - January 29. Hard copies can be turned in using designated boxes in the lobby areas or to the front church office.
1. What age would you like our next pastor to be? Check One. *This question is required.
2. What level of education would you like our next pastor have? Check One *This question is required.
3. Is marital status important? *This question is required.
Please rate the following attributes of a future pastor as Very Important, Important or Not Important.
(Questions 4-18)
4. Mission Minded *This question is required.
5. Passion for the lost *This question is required.
6. Humble Leader *This question is required.
7. Inspirational Spiritual Speaker *This question is required.
8. Participates in Denominational Activities (i.e. SBC) *This question is required.
9. Visits Home-bound, Elderly, & Hospitalized *This question is required.
10. Promotes a Variety of Worship Settings / Services *This question is required.
11. Warm and Approachable *This question is required.
12. Empathetic Listener / Counselor *This question is required.
13. Invests in Staff and Lay Leadership Development *This question is required.
14. Open to New Ideas and Suggestions *This question is required.
15. Passion for Growing Disciples *This question is required.
16. Leads by Example *This question is required.
17. Teaches and Encourages Personal Stewardship *This question is required.
18. Connects with the Congregation *This question is required.
Church Priorities: Please rate the following areas where you think FBC Daytona should be focusing its time, talent, and treasure over the next 2-5 years. (Questions 19-27)
19. Organized Evangelism *This question is required.
20. Debt Reduction / Consolidation *This question is required.
21. Multicultural Ministry Activities *This question is required.
22. Transitioning to the Tomoka Farms Rd. West Property (Building) *This question is required.
23. Local and International Missions *This question is required.
24. Community Service *This question is required.
25. Upgrades to Downtown Facilities *This question is required.
26. Multi-generational Outreach *This question is required.
27. Family Focused Ministries *This question is required.
29. Member Profile: Please Answer the following questions to give us a better idea of who you are. Gender: *This question is required.
30. Age Range: *This question is required.
31. Marital Status: *This question is required.
32. Do you have children?
33. Are you a member of First Baptist Daytona? *This question is required.
34. How Many Worship Services and Life Groups do you attend a month (Sunday/Wednesday)? *This question is required.
35. Are you currently involved in a Life Group? *This question is required.
36. How likely are you to invite a friend, neighbor, or co-worker to church with you? *This question is required.
37. Based on your experience, would you recommend First Baptist to a friend who does not currently attend church? *This question is required.
38. Over the past 12 months, how many times have you invited someone who does not attend church to First Baptist? *This question is required.
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