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Bold Poll - Summary Statement Testing

Visioning PM&R Bold Themes

Over the past 6 months, AAPM&R conducted quantitative and qualitative research to better understand the opportunities for the future of specialty of PM&R. Below are some of the themes that we have heard from you and your peers through Visioning PM&R Bold research. We also have an open-ended area for you to provide further input or themes based on your professional experience as a physiatrist
1. Which best describes your practice? *This question is required.
Considering MSK/Ambulatory care, we heard from many of you that physiatry should position itself earlier in the delivery of care. Do you agree that this is an opportunity PM&R should leverage?
  *This question is required.
Which strategies best align to positioning physiatry earlier in the delivery of care? Select your top 3. 
Considering inpatient care, we heard from many of you that physiatry should drive integration throughout the span of patient rehabilitation and recovery. Do you agree that this is an opportunity PM&R should leverage? *This question is required.
Which strategies best align with driving integration throughout the span of patient rehabilitation and recovery? Select your top 3.