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Stack Overflow - Understanding and Improving the Features of the Change Request Management Systems

General information

In the context of Software Maintenance, a Change Request - CR is the common element to software problems of the types corrective, adaptive, perfective, or preventive. Because of its volume, CR's need to be managed by tools. We use the term Change Request Management Systems (CRMS) to refer to the set or group of these tools. This class of system serves as a central repository for monitoring the progress of bug reports, requesting additional information from reporters, and discussing potential solutions for fixing the bug. The CRMS's are very efficient and effective, but the literature in Software Engineering presents studies that discuss the need to improve them. Based on the hypothesis that CRMS's need improvement, we conducted a study with the following objectives:

  • to understand the level of satisfaction of the professionals devoted to development and software maintenance with the features currently offered by CRMS's.
  • to evaluate the level of importance of the existing CRMS's features in the context of development and software maintenance from the viewpoint professionals.
  • to analyze the state of the practice of the use of the methodologies proposed by the agile evangelist in the development and, in particular, in the maintenance of software.
  • to investigate the inclusion of features in the CRMS's that can support the agile methodologies in the context of software maintenance.
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Thank you for your contribution. I hope not only to complete my master's degree but also to contribute to the evolution of Software Engineering.
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